To assist owners and operators in meeting regulatory requirements, IMMARBE relaunched its Flag State Inspections Program on 1st March 2024. Under this program, owners must ensure that their vessels undergo annual inspections conducted by a duly appointed Flag State Inspector.
Effective 1st March 2025, all new registered vessels will have six (6) months after registration to complete their initial Flag State Inspection. For existing vessels, the initial Flag State Inspection is due six (6) months after the anniversary date of the vessel’s statutory certificate (ICSSC), effective 1st March 2025.
The annual inspection should be conducted three (3) months before or three (3) months after the anniversary date. Anniversary Date is the day and month each year that corresponds to the expiration date of the relevant ICSSC certificate.
Inspections must be requested by the owners/operators using the application form TDF-036 Request for Flag State Inspections. The application must be submitted to Operators may contact any inspection companies approved by IMMARBE to arrange inspections. Details of approved inspection companies can be found in TDL-023 List of Companies Authorized to Conduct Flag State Inspections.
In exceptional circumstances, (e.g., force majeure), the Administration may permit the extension of the annual Flag State inspection. Examples of force majeure include:
In such case, operators must apply for a Statement of Extension via their designated office. Extensions are granted for up to three (3) months.
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