After two security incidents transpired in Ukrainian waters during the month of November 2023, The International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) highly advises its Belize flagged vessels to operate as far as possible and to keep a clear distance from Ukrainian sea and river ports.
Vessels that are required to operate closer to the Ukrainian coastline and within the Black Sea are recommended:
- To obtain the relevant NAVAREA III Warnings
- To contact local port authorities and ship’s agent to obtain the most up-to—date and reliable information.
- For Deck/ Watchkeeping officers to maintain a proper lookout for any suspicious or hazardous objects drifting near the vessel and to properly record the information in the ship’s logbook.
- To implement extra protective measures in accordance with the Ship Security Plan if necessary, in the Black Sea and especially Ukrainian waters and to remain in contact with Belize administration.
- To inform Belize administration when entering near Ukrainian waters and the Black Sea by means of email. Also, to notify Belize administration when the ship has left the area for the Administration to be aware that the ship is clear of any risks.
Due to the heightened risks during commercial operations when transiting within the EEZ of Ukraine and the Black Sea, Belize administration requests that all concerned parties must refer to IMMARBE’s ICL-22-001 issued in February 2022 and kindly adhere to the guidelines and conditions of the circular for the safety of the vessel and its crew.
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