Palau Circular regarding MLC 2006 requirements and penalties in cases of their non-compliance
Palau Circular regarding MLC 2006 requirements and penalties in cases of their non-compliance

Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) informs shipowners, managers, masters of Palau-flagged ships that If the PISR's Administrator receives a complaint together with evidence that a ship does not conforms to the requirements of the MLC, 2006, including the cancellation or expiration of Blue Cards covering sections 2.5 and 4.6 of the Convention or that there are serious deficiencies in the implementation of the DMLC Part I and II, the Administrator shall request the withdrawal of the IMLC or ML Certificate accordingly. Furthermore, a monetary penalty up to 5,000 USD may be imposed to the Owner.

The Shipowner should provide a fair procedure for the receipt of complains from the seafarer’s onboard the vessel. The Shipowner should review the complains and address them accordingly and with no delay to Palau Flag Administration:
E-mail: seafarers@palaureg.com
Phone: +30 2104293500

In the event of failure to comply either with the requirements of “MLC 2006, as amended”, or any of the Regulations under Chapter 7 of the “Republic of Palau Maritime Regulations”, or the requirements of the present Circular, the Ship Registry Administrator may suspend or revoke a vessel’s Certificate of Registry and (or) impose a monetary penalty up to 5,000 USD on the Owner, and (or) set such other conditions as may be necessary to bring about compliance with any Code or Agreement, subject to Maritime Labor Convention, which the Republic of Palau may adopt in the future.

The ship-owner or Master or a crew member of a ship shall be liable for the following penalties:

  • A Ship-owner or Master, who contravenes the Republic of Palau Maritime Regulations, chapter 7, requirements subject to MLC, is guilty of an offence, punishable on summary conviction by a fine of not less 2.500 USD and not more than 5.000 USD.
  • A chief engineer or a member of the crew who contravenes the same as above Regulations is guilty of an offence, punishable on summary conviction by a fine of not less 100 USD and not more than 5.000 USD.
  • In addition to the above defined penalties, PISR in certain cases may withdraw, cancel or suspend certificates issued to seafarers found guilty of non-compliance with the same regulations.

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